Michael W. Elice, MD 

Dr. Elice is a board certified pediatrician who has treated patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders, mitochondrial disorders, PANDAS, immune and metabolic disorders for almost 20 years. As a practicing pediatrician for over 40 years he recognized the significant changes in the way children have been developing and how chronic illness has become the new ‘norm’ in pediatric medicine. Investigation and treatment are based on the theory that autism and related disorders are actually complex neurodevelopmental disorders with genetic and epigenetic origins.

Dr Elice is an adjunct professor of pediatrics at the Northwell Health Cohen Children’s Hospital in New York. He a board certified pediatrician and MAPS physician. Dr Elice has lectured at Defeat Autism Now!, MAPS Autism One and National Autism Association conferences. He has treated patients in over 20 countries around the world and is convinced that autism is a disease of epidemic proportions needing up to date medical attention.